If you’re shopping for auto insurance, you might be surprised to learn that some insurance companies request a vehicle inspection before issuing a policy. While this isn’t always the case, it’s not uncommon for insurers to want a closer look at your car to assess its condition. At RH Worthington Group in Milford, PA, we’re here to explain why this happens and what to expect.
Why Do Insurance Companies Request Inspections?
Vehicle inspections help insurance companies evaluate the risk of insuring your car. By inspecting your vehicle, they can verify its condition and ensure there are no existing damages that could lead to future claims. For example, if your car has a dented bumper or cracked windshield, they’ll want to document it beforehand to avoid disputes later. Inspections are particularly common with older vehicles, used cars, or luxury models, as these may have unique risks or repair costs.
What Happens During an Inspection?
Don’t worry—vehicle inspections aren’t as intimidating as they sound. Typically, the process is quick and straightforward. A professional inspector will check the exterior, interior, and sometimes under the hood to confirm the car’s condition. They may also take photos for documentation. In some cases, insurers might rely on virtual inspections, where you upload photos of your vehicle, instead of scheduling an in-person appointment.
Do All Insurance Companies Require Inspections?
Not every insurer requires a vehicle inspection, but asking during the application process is always a good idea. At RH Worthington Group in Milford, PA, we work with you to find the best coverage without unnecessary hassle.
Contact RH Worthington Group today if you’re ready to explore auto insurance options. We’re here to help you protect your vehicle and drive with confidence!