Filing a homeowners insurance claim following a natural disaster, theft, or vandalism of your home and finding out you don’t have enough coverage to repair your home or replace your most prized possessions can be devastating.
The good news for Milford, PA homeowners is that extended insurance coverage is available to shield their homes’ interiors and exteriors from the effects of snowstorms, flooding, and accidents on their property, which would typically lead to extravagant out-of-pocket expenses and legal liability claims.
Learn how to extend the limits of your homeowner’s policy from the insurance experts at RH Worthington Group.
Extending the Limits of Your Homeowners Policy
Understanding your home insurance coverage needs is essential for choosing a policy that will cover your home’s most important aspects. Home insurance typically covers the dwelling, including the roof, foundation, walls, and structure. An extended policy can protect detached structures like garages, sheds, and fences.
The first step in ensuring adequate coverage is reviewing your existing homeowner’s policy limits.
What do homeowners do when their homeowner’s insurance policy reaches its limit?
A well-structured homeowners policy with umbrella insurance coverage is the best way to ensure your home is adequately covered against vandalism, fire, theft, and natural disasters.
Umbrella insurance is an extended form of protection that kicks in when your homeowner’s policy runs out. Talk to a trusted insurance professional to learn how to add umbrella insurance to your current policy.
A licensed insurance agent can explain the benefits of adding an umbrella insurance policy to extend the limits of your existing home policy when you contact RH Worthington Group in Milford, PA.