How Do I Manage Getting Sued After a Homeowner’s Insurance Lapse?

Nothing can be more frustrating and stressful than being sued. While we can never predict when someone might bring a lawsuit against you, how you respond can make a big difference to your mental and financial health. However, if you’re being sued after a lapse in your Milford, PA, homeowner’s insurance, you might feel as if you’re out of options. Here are some tips for managing a lawsuit following a homeowner’s insurance lapse.

Contact Your Insurance Agency

While most insurance companies will deny a claim made while your homeowner’s insurance lapsed, you could be in luck. If it’s been less than a few weeks since your policy lapsed, you could possibly still be covered. Some insurance companies offer a grace period, which allows you to remain covered as long as you pay before this period ends. Even if you’re unsure how long it’s been, you should contact your insurance company to see if anything can be done. 

Maintain Coverage in the Future

While it won’t help you with any current lawsuits, ensuring your coverage never lapses in the future can prevent you from encountering such a problem again. 

As you can see, things could become stressful and costly if you’re sued and your homeowner’s insurance lapses. This is why it’s best to ensure constant coverage in case of the unexpected. If you’re a Milford, PA, resident and you’re looking for a new insurance provider, you may want to consider RH Worthington Group. At RH Worthington Group, we pride ourselves on our top-notch coverage and stellar licensed insurance agents. Contact us today for a quote and so we can get you started with reliable coverage for your home.